Academic Chair
Assoc. Prof. Ghamgeen Izat Rashed, Iraq, Wuhan University-School of Electrical Engineering and Automation
Ghamgeen Izat Rashed副教授,伊拉克,武汉大学电气与自动化学院
Associate Professor Ghamgeen Izat Rashed received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in Salahaadin University-Iraq at 1995, his M.Sc. in Sulaimani University-Iraq in 2003, and his Ph.D. degree in power system and its automation, from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China in 2008. Now he is assistant professor at Wuhan university, school of electrical engineering, and Automation, Wuhan University, china. His special research of interest in AI and its application to the power system, FACTS devices specially TCSC and its control. Assoc. Prof. Ghamgeen Izat Rashed already published more than 40 SCI and EI papers, he already take part in more than 25 international conference and invited as keynote speakers and paper presenters. Now he is a member of IEEE.
Ghamgeen Izat Rashed副教授于1995年在伊拉克萨拉哈丁大学获得电气工程学士学位,2003年在伊拉克苏莱曼尼大学获得硕士学位,2008年在中国华中科技大学获得电力系统及其自动化博士学位。现为武汉大学电气工程与自动化学院助理教授。他对人工智能及其在电力系统、FACTS装置特别是TCSC及其控制方面的应用进行了专门研究。Ghamgeen Izat Rashed副教授已经发表了40多篇SCI和EI论文,已经参加了25多场国际会议,并应邀担任主题发言人和论文主持人,目前是IEEE会员。
Assistant Professor, Abhijith R, India, Apj Abdul Kalam Technological University, Civil Engineering Department
Prof. Jianing Tang, China, Yunnan Minzu University
Assoc. Prof. Shuaidong Jia, China, PLA Dalian Naval Academy
Assistant Professor, Dr. C. Venkata Siva Rama Prasad, India, St. Peter’s Engineering College (Autonomous)
Associate Professor, Marxim Rahula Bharathi B, India, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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2022 2nd International Conference on Ocean Engineering and Application Technology