武汉,简称“汉”,别称江城,是湖北省省会,中部六省唯一的副省级市,特大城市,中国中部地区的中心城市,全国重要的工业基地、科教基地和综合交通枢纽,联勤保障部队机关驻地。武汉是国家历史文化名城,楚文化的重要发祥地,境内盘龙城遗址有3500年历史。春秋战国以来,武汉一直是中国南方的军事和商业重镇,明清时期成为“楚中第一繁盛处”、天下四聚之一。清末汉口开埠和洋务运动开启武汉现代化进程,使其成为近代中国重要的经济中心,被誉为“东方芝加哥”。 Wuhan, abbreviated as "Han", also known as Jiangcheng, is the capital of Hubei Province, the only sub provincial city in the six central provinces, a megacity, the central city in Central China, an important national industrial base, science and education base and comprehensive transportation hub, and the resident of joint logistics support forces. Wuhan is a famous national historical and cultural city and an important birthplace of Chu culture. The site of Panlong city has a history of 3500 years. Since the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Wuhan has always been an important military and commercial town in southern China. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it became "the first prosperous place in Chu" and one of the four places in the world. The opening of Hankou and the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty opened the process of Wuhan's modernization, making it an important economic center in modern China, known as "Chicago in the East". | Historical Sights |
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